Whether you are interested in trimming your office lighting and cooling bills, making the warehouse a little brighter, or moving your facility from old and inefficient metal halides to T5 or T8 Hi Bay fixtures, Lighting Retrofits can help. We specialize in using the latest technology to make your facility energy efficient, and certain facilities can upgrade without having to completely replace their fixtures. Nearly all fluorescent fixtures have retrofit options that increase light levels and reduce wattage by as much as up to 70%! Check out some of the sample facility pictures below, and notice the incredible difference good lighting can make.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7468854
A lighting retrofit is the practice of replacing existing lighting systems with more energy-efficient parts. The practice of parts replacement uses a significantly less amount of energy every month. The value is realized in the next few month's energy bills. Eventually, this change will not only pay for the new equipment, but eventually provide a return on your investment.
Understanding energy consumption is vital to this decision. Utilities bill their customers in a variety of ways. They will charge you based upon use of energy, a charge for demand, a power factor charge, fuel adjustment charges, and other unmentionables.This process will focus on energy reduction. This is vital to everyone. The past few years the power grid in the United States struggle's to provide electrical power to all it's customers.
A formula for energy consumption is kilowatt-hours equals input kilowatt-hours multiplied by time. You can calculate this from your monthly utility bill times projected hourly use. Reducing energy consumption can be achieved by reduction of input wattage or reduce hours of use. Input wattage can be reduced. Replace your lamps and tar ballasts with electronic ballasts and energy-efficient light bulbs. You also can reduce hours of operation by using lighting controls and other energy-saving efforts.
Lets look at a model to give an idea of the savings. One system uses 175 input watts multiplied by 3,000 hours a year. The total comes to 525 kilowatt-hours. Divide the kilowatt-hours by $0.10 cost for each kilowatt-hours. This comes to a $5,250.00 bill. Our second model uses 100 input watts multiplied by the same 3,000 hours of use.The utility cost would be $3,000.00. This is a savings of $2,250.00 or about a 42.5% savings. Now obviously in residential settings, lighting may not use half of the kilowatt-hours every month. Even if this practice cuts your total bill by 25% a month, the retrofit pays for itself in 24 months.
Green energy is a dominating force in our universe. Lighting retrofits are the quickest way to make your own personal contribution. The bottom line is use of energy. The less energy we use, the longer we delay global warming. Just a side note, T-12 lightbulbs and ballast are becoming more expensive. The reason for this is because the industry is phasing them out. In a few years, you will not be able to purchase these products anymore. Don't quit without implementing your lighting retrofit!
http://www.ArgoElectrical.com will help with your remodeling needs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7468854
Need to increase light levels to improve the working environment? Before you consider adding more of the same type of fixtures you already have, be sure to contact us for recommendations. Every industry has a recommended foot candle level for workers to be able to adequately complete their tasks. We use before and after footcandle meter readings to make sure your light levels are where you need them to be for ideal safety, performance and energy efficiency.
ReplyDeleteLet the Light Shine For Less – Even if you only replace the traditional light bulbs in your five most used light fixtures with compact fluorescent bulbs, you will still save about $65 every year, so just do the math and see how much you can save by switching them all. Using the lowest wattage suitable for each light’s purpose helps as well.